New Illumination of the Matterhorn shows solidarity with Italy


The theme of the projections on the Matterhorn on Saturday, 28 March 2020 is Italy - the country in Europe most affected by the coronavirus pandemic and located directly behind the Swiss landmark.

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The Matterhorn illuminations, which started on Tuesday, 24 March 2020, met with enthusiasm from people around the world and generated many positive reactions. On the evening of Saturday, 28 March 2020, the lighting will be dedicated to solidarity with Italy.


With the Italian flag on the Matterhorn, Zermatt shows that people are mentally attached to Italy, the country in Europe that has been hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic. The projection is symbolic of the solidarity that is currently clearly felt throughout society. Not only is the country most affected - it also borders directly on Zermatt. The Italian village of Valtournenche, which lies on the other side of the Matterhorn, even shares the international ski area with Zermatt. This fact is one of the reasons for the strong bond and friendship between the two communities.

Neighbouring community

It was therefore a matter of great concern to those responsible in Zermatt that the neighbouring community should be able to determine today's message on the Matterhorn. "We want to express our great gratitude", says Nicole Maquignaz, Vice-Commune President of Valtournenche, who has written a poem about it (attached to the message). The thanks go to the people who are currently in the front line and who are committed to the fight against the emergency: the doctors, the medical staff, the volunteers, the police, the fire brigade and all the others who protect and save lives. Thus, beside the Italian flag, also the word #grazie will be projected to the Matterhorn.

New subjects

The illuminations, created by the light artist Gerry Hofstetter, are expected to last until 19 April 2020, until which time new subjects in connection with hope, solidarity and gratitude in the current coronavirus crisis will appear on the Matterhorn every day – if weather conditions permit. Should the mountain be enveloped in clouds in the evening of 28 March 2020, the Italian subject will be postponed until the next day with good weather.

Pictures of the action

A trip to Zermatt is not worthwhile, as one cannot see the projection with the naked eye. Those who are interested can watch the projections on the webcams Rothorn, Trockener Steg and Hirli from home. There you can also create time-lapse videos and download pictures in high quality. The time function allows the recordings to be rewound, so that past images can also be downloaded. The recordings may be used freely in connection with the action.


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The poem of Nicole Maquignaz, Vice-Commune President of Valtournenche:



Grazie ai nostri amici di Zermatt.

Grazie a tutto il mondo per la solidarietà che ci state dimostrando.

Grazie al Cervino, che in questi giorni sembra sorvegliarci e proteggerci, e che ci ricorda che le montagne uniscono i popoli - non li dividono.

Grazie a tutti coloro che lavorano spendendosi per il prossimo in questi mesi duri, bui e pesanti.

Prendiamo questo tempo come un’opportunità per rallentare il passo, per riflettere sulle nostre vite, per rimettere ordine alla scala dei valori.

Sarà tutto diverso, ma ripartiremo.

Non perdiamo la speranza: quando si potrà, torneremo ad abbracciarci e, se avremo saputo usare bene questo tempo, saremo persone migliori.

#grazie #celafaremo #iorestoacasa #andràtuttobene



Thanks to our friends in Zermatt.

Thanks to the whole world for the solidarity you are showing us.

Thanks to the Matterhorn, which seems to be watching over and protecting us these days, and which reminds us that mountains unite people - they do not divide them.

Thanks to all those who work and spend their time for others in these hard, dark and heavy months.

Let us take this time as an opportunity to slow down, to reflect on our lives, to put in order our scale of values.

Everything will be different, but we will start again.

Let us not lose hope: As soon as we can, we will embrace each other.

And if we use this time well, we will be better people.

#grazie #celafaremo #iorestoacasa #andràuttobene