Book about Zermatt's pair of bearded vultures


The bearded vulture is one of the rarest and most impressive birds in the Alps, and is also the largest. Bruno Mooser, from Täsch, has been watching the Zermatt breeding pair and has compiled his observations into an illustrated book.

Watching these birds fly is an incredible sight. With a wingspan of almost three metres, the bearded vulture is one of the largest flying birds in the world. It is Europe’s largest bird of prey and with only 225 to 250 breeding pairs, one of the rarest.


It is fantastic that a bearded vulture pair has successfully resettled in Zermatt and raised several chicks. Bruno Mooser, from Täsch, discovered the pair and their eyrie in 2012 and has been observing and documenting them since then. In 2016, Bruno Mooser monitored the busy eyrie on an almost weekly basis and was able to observe the first Zermatt bearded vulture chicks being reared. He documented his observations between March 2012 and August 2016 and has compiled them into a 46-page illustrated book, ‘Vultures on the Matterhorn’. The photos show his encounters with the huge birds and their young.

Where to buy the book
The book is available from the ZAP bookstore in Zermatt or from the author:
Bruno Mooser
3929 Täsch
+41 79 682 08 94


Stiftung Pro Bartgeier