Weinzeit - a wine bar


Our wine bar, located downstairs of the Stockhorn Restaurant, offers a wide range of expressive wines from small winemakers all over the world. We focus specifically on natural wine, this is a philosophical choice for us aimed at rediscovering the natural expression of the terroir. Our wine comes from grapes worked farming , without weedkillers, pesticides, fertilizers or other synthetic products. All this is matched with our food menu offering a wide range of various salumi of highest quality. The perfect place for a light dinner or a great night with friends!



eating habits and allergies


Culinary specialities

Evening meal
Large selection of wines

Payment options

Payment in cash
Credit cards accepted


Number of seats inside: 38

Special features

We mainly use regional products

Style of cuisine



< 25 persons

Lunes cerrado
Martes cerrado
Miércoles 18:15 - 24:00
Jueves 18:15 - 24:00
Viernes 18:15 - 24:00
Sábado 18:15 - 24:00
Domingo 18:15 - 24:00
18:30 - 22:00 Horas