Ski Touring Taster Course (beginners)


Your first ski tour with the ZERMATTERS This offer is aimed at all those who have NEVER tried ski touring. We show you what equipment you need, how to prepare for a tour and introduce you to the technique, secrets, and fascination of ski touring during an easy tour.


Your ZERMATTERS mountain guide will pick you up at your accommodation and accompany you to the sports shop, where experts will kit you out with the right equipment. You will then have the opportunity to learn about the basics of ski touring on a carefully selected terrain and then apply what you have learned in a first small ski tour.


  • Group lesson for 3 or more people: CHF 259 per person including touring skis & boots

More information


  • Group lesson (5-6 hours): Every tuesday, thursday and sunday (Minimum of 3 participants), Meet at 8:30 a.m. at ZERMATTERS Homebase

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