Die Suche nach der Wahrheit

Author: Matthias Taugwalder
Publisher: Rotten Verlag
Price: CHF 42.00
ISBN No: 978-3-906118-33-8
Languages: DE, EN, FR

On 14 July 1865, four of the seven climbers, who made the first ascent of the Matterhorn, fell to their deaths during the descent. Only the Englishman, Edward Whymper and the two Zermatt mountain guides, Peter Taugwalder Vater and Peter Taugwalder Sohn survived. It is the articulate Whymper, who afterwards claimed interpretation sovereignty until today for the incomplete clarification of the tragedy. The point of view of the taciturn Taugwalders is forgotten. The photographer Matthias Taugwalder has tracked down the original documents of the first ascenders in international archives and makes them available to the general public for the first time. By doing so, he allows his ancestors to present their view of the drama on the Matterhorn.